Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rose Quartz: Bridge Across Time

Pale, milky and translucent .. rose quartz has been valued by people and cultures across the ages. Many associate this stone with 'love', due to its beautiful, fragile pink color. In ancient Egypt rose quartz granite (obtained from Aswan, Upper Egypt) were carved out. In 1883, Sir William Flinders is said to have found nearly impossible examples of ancient stone-cutting skills. Soft, brittle materials, such as rose quartz were carved and polished to within cardboard thickness without cracking or flaking.

The Egyptians associates rose quartz with youthfulness and preventing aging - apparently having been used to guard tombs. One of the so-called Mayan crystal skulls has been carved out of rose quartz. A very ancient artifact (Aterian point 2 inches long), from 33,000 to 28,00 years ago and knapped from translucent rose quartz was found in the western Sahara.

Natural rose quartz crystals are extremely rare. The stone is associated with compassion, healing and artistic creativity .. signifying 'universal love'. Due to the unique nature of this type of quartz, its color and its rarity in crystal form, rose quartz has a mysterious powerful mystical side to its vibration.

A 'bridge across time': Rose quartz is as elusive in nature as 'time travel', and having worked extensively with this stone we can add new information to its undervalued presence. Its powerful healing qualities (hidden within a gentle exterior) are related to the sone's qualities of bridging time.

Rose quartz bridges the fragile expanse of time and space - in this way it heals without any indication how it does so. Its rarity as a natural crystal either means that it grows so deep within the Earth's crust that we cannot find it, or rose quartz is a rare and timeless phenomenon. Its color is here, but its true presence is somewhere else.

Rose quartz usually occurs in its massive state or can be found as crystals growing out of the base of smoky quartz. Rose quartz is a silicate and is made of one part silica and two parts oxygen. Its unique color is due to metals within the crystal, which most attribute to trace amounts of titanium. This crystal has a conchoidal fracture and so does not break in a specific pattern but, breaks like glass with curved surfaces.

Keywords: Rose quartz, rose quartz massive, crystalline rose quartz, rose quartz granite, rose granite, pink quartz, bohemian ruby

Note: It is never a good idea to take knowledge of stones and crystals from an outside source. The wisdom of the ancients came from a direct working relationship with the crystal beings or with the stone beings, as though interacting with an Earth intelligence operating system. In truth, the information each of us seeks can only come from the source. If a crystal or a stone will not share information, then reading what others have written will not change the person seeking knowledge. Crystals are not loaded with information waiting to be unloaded into the mind. Crystals are mirrors that connect the individual with themselves, and this is why they are such powerful tools. They do not give you anything other than what you give yourself. They do not show you anything other than what you show to yourself. That is the beauty of working with crystals. - Zen of Crystals

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Quartz Crystal: Transformer of Energy

Quartz crystal is the second most abundant mineral within the Earth's continental crust. Since ancient times quartz has been the most commonly used minerals in the making of jewelry and stone carvings. Quartz usually exhibits a 'trigonal crystal system' form, in which a six-sided prism terminates in a six-sided pyramid. Apart from the more abundant clear quartz crystal, forms can vary from yellow-orange citrine to purple amethyst, milky quartz, smoky quartz rutilated quartz, Jasper, agate, chalcedony and rose quartz.

Quartz crystals have piezoelectric properties, transmitting current vital to the development and functions of modern day electronics. From watches to computers, there is little in our electronic world today that would function without quartz .. quartz watches require quartz crystals to keep accurate time.

Quartz crystals are the most common mineral amongst the hundreds of varieties of quartz to be found inside the Earth. Quartz is also a common constituent of granite, sandstone, limestone, and many igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. In geological terms quartz is the rock forming mineral.

Crystal skulls are the most famous ancient artefacts to be carved from quartz crystal. The Ancient Wisdom website lists many interesting varieties of quartz crystal artefacts found in Archeological sites around the world, from Homo erectus (20 pieces of quartz crystal found with remains in Zhoukoudian, Beijing) to 17th- 16th Cent BC 'The Grave of the Crystals' (part of the prehistoric cemetery at Mycenae).

Pure quartz is not only a transformer of energy, it also allows communication and the alignment of particular pulse frequencies. This is why human technology is based on the properties of quartz (Silicon dioxide). Two elements: silicon and oxygen, make up almost three-quarters of our planet's crust. Silicon transmits life force (energy) in a way that we can use: 'In a controlled manner'. Pure quartz [crystalline silicon dioxide] resonates at a very precise frequency and is perfect for use in high-precision watches and clocks.

The earliest known use of this versatile crystal 'tool from the earth' is early man's use of flint, which was knapped [shaped] to make arrowheads, axes, scrapers and blades - as well as creating the sparks needed to ignite fire. Finely polished axes have been discovered as well as razor sharp stone blades dated from 6,000 to 8,000 BC - flint [flintstone] is a hard, sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz.

Clear quartz is an 'energizer' .. yet, it does not only 'amplify' - there is much more to quartz, and for this reason every serious student of crystals should navigate using their own instincts to venture into the deeper substance of clear quartz. Darker denser obsidian or smoky quartz are stones (that due to their density) imply and invite depth. However, the substantial depth of clear quartz crystal is often overlooked.

The crystal ball is not necessarily a tool of 'depth'. Many seers and gifted psychics have used crystal balls or crystal skulls to reflect the common surface world including looking into the past and the future. This use does not navigate the true depths of the clear and mysterious properties of the 'divine' crystal.

Obsidian and smoky quartz will lend you their power and carry you effortlessly into the depths [whether you are ready or not], but clear quartz crystal will not carry you anywhere unless you have the power and the will to go there yourself. It is very much a clear spirit resonator for the soul of mankind - imposing nothing onto the mind of man; but awaiting your own unique inner-depth awakening. How else is one to dive into and through the depths of consciousness?

Keywords: Quartz - clear quartz - quartz crystal - rock crystal - Arkansas crystal - crystal skulls - Herkimer diamonds - ghost quartz - double terminated quartz

Note: It is never a good idea to take knowledge of stones and crystals from an outside source. The wisdom of the ancients came from a direct working relationship with the crystal beings or with the stone beings, as though interacting with an Earth intelligence operating system. In truth, the information each of us seeks can only come from the source. If a crystal or a stone will not share information, then reading what others have written will not change the person seeking knowledge. Crystals are not loaded with information waiting to be unloaded into the mind. Crystals are mirrors that connect the individual with themselves, and this is why they are such powerful tools. They do not give you anything other than what you give yourself. They do not show you anything other than what you show to yourself. That is the beauty of working with crystals. - Crystal Light-Seeds

Friday, April 11, 2014

Citrine: The Purifier

Citrine crystal can vary from pale translucent golden hue to fiery orange-yellow. These stones can take on the many colors of the sun, and appear to bring those colors with them to Earth. For the Celts across Europe, and also for the Greeks, citrine was the crystallized embodiment of sunlight. Across the ancient world citrine was known as the stone of success, the merchant's stone. Because of its golden hue and its rarity, citrine was probably closely associated with gold and was said to attract 'wealth'.

Due to its purity and powerful esoteric cleansing effect, the attracted wealth could also be translated as: good fortune, health and being free of fear and negativity. The Celts and later the Scots wore citrine as a talisman, one which also protected the wearer against bad thoughts. Citrine was widely associated with the heart and purity of heart, cleansing and bestowing balance and self-confidence.

Citrine varies from a rich red brown to a pale translucent yellow, and is associated with mental clarity, self-confidence, oriented to abundance of creativity, energizing and finding solutions. It can be found as crystals, stones and as geodes. The crystals usually form with amethysts. In its natural state small amounts of iron give the crystals their pale yellow or orange color.

Natural citrine is rare and is considered by many as the most valuable quartz gem. Its crystal form is hexagonal, and commonly appears as a cluster of pyramids growing from a geode base. Most commonly from Brazil, citrine is also found in the Ural Mountains of Russia, Dauphine - France and Madagascar.

Keywords: Citrine crystals, citrine geodes, citrine clusters, smoky citrine

Note: It is never a good idea to take knowledge of stones and crystals from an outside source. The wisdom of the ancients came from a direct working relationship with the crystal beings or with the stone beings, as though interacting with an Earth intelligence operating system. In truth, the information each of us seeks can only come from the source. If a crystal or a stone will not share information, then reading what others have written will not change the person seeking knowledge. Crystals are not loaded with information waiting to be unloaded into the mind. Crystals are mirrors that connect the individual with themselves, and this is why they are such powerful tools. They do not give you anything other than what you give yourself. They do not show you anything other than what you show to yourself. That is the beauty of working with crystals. - Crystal Light-Seeds